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House Visitation

I was watching a tiny house show on TV and the couple were from Seattle and the builder they picked was in Nashville. They flew out to meet the builder and to see the progress on their new tiny home. It was just the trailer and subfloor so far... but this was their only visit to see their house since it was so costly to make the trip across the country.

Well ... this made me think - we have only seen our house once and we only live 3.5 hours away!

So an impromptu day trip was in order! Just a quick visit to check everything out since the last time we saw the house when it was studs, electrical wiring and plumbing.

Here are just a few of the updated pics - it's getting SO close to being done!!! :D

Footwell in the office loft.

This is so I can put my feet down in this little cubbie and still have good posture while working at a desk in a small loft!

Vessel Sink & Medicine Cabinet

Storage Stairs to the sleeping loft

Ceiling fan that has 3 settings and turns from side to side :)

Storage Stairs to the office loft. Ladder rungs will be going up the wall for the rest of the way.

Sleeping Loft - big enough to fit a king size bed!

Just relaxin in the sleeping loft :) I feel we'll be doing this very soon!

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